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Katrin Alvarez: Psychological Portraits
German artist Katrin Alvarez develops a body of work using a surrealistic language that reveals the conflicts, fears and anxiety of our contemporary society. ARTDISTRICTS had the opportunity to meet her in an interview in which she reveals details about her successful artistic career and the symbolism hidden in her canvases.
By Ashley Knight
Ashley Knight - Before starting a career as a painter, you studied law and worked as a journalist. Tell me, when did your interest in art begin? When did you start painting?
Katrin Alvarez - Stories from my childhood indicate that I tried to draw animals even as a 3-year-old. My own memories of doing art started later. I can vividly remember how disappointed I felt when I couldn’t get my drawings to look like faces or plants in the way I wanted. Much later I found out how to work with colors-first color crayons and later oil paints, still my favorite medium.
A.K. - Your works seem to be kind of psychological portraits. Do you consider that your experience as a journalist trained your sensibility to capture the conflicts, fears and anxiety of our contemporary society? What motivates your work?
K.A. - I’m excited about ripping open surfaces and revealing what’s behind. As a journalist I also wanted to investigate the real story behind the façade. In recent years I’ve been trying again and again to expose an issue that horrifies me. The sexual abuse of children gets me incredibly angry and makes me feel helpless. A large part of my work engages with this issue. It’s something I refuse to drop, even if people don’t want to talk about it. I believe artists have a duty to express not only their own sensibilities but also hold up a magnifying glass to the dark fringes of humanity.
A.K. - You are the author of the novel Studentin S and a collection of short stories and poems. From a conceptual point of view, is there any connection between your poems and stories and your paintings?
K.A. - Sometimes I need more than shapes and colors to express what’s inside me. That’s when I try words. Sometimes a short story takes shape alongside a painting. The story can then extend or deepen the image on the canvas.

Katrin Alvarez, Curriculum Vitae, 2013, oil on canvas, 25.6” x 29.5.” All images are courtesy of the artist.
A.K. - Your paintings exist in the limits between realism and surrealism, what artists and artistic movements have influenced your work?
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K.A. - I love Michelangelo, Pieter Breughel and Dali.
A.K. - There is a myriad of symbols and icons in your works that motivate the spectator to create different stories. Some art critics have seen in them a kind of gothic iconography, other have seen archetypes associated to psychoanalysis and the interpretation of dreams. Are they specific symbols related to your personal life?
K.A. - Unless I’m concentrating on a certain subject, like child abuse, it often seems that a picture is not painted by me but creates itself. It paints itself while pulling out all the symbolism and imagery in my unconscious. All the frogs, fish, dolls, cuts and bolts just rise up out of the depths of my mind and I can’t say what they mean. It’s as if my soul wants to tell its own stories of the past-stories taken from past lives that became encapsulated but now appear again and again, like fish breaking the surface of the water.
A.K. - In works such as Freedom is Just an Hypothesis, Cognition and Curriculum Vitae you incorporated technology devices to your paintings. What is the idea behind this resource?
K.A. - The blending of new virtual dimensions with “old” realities is something that fascinates me. I’m trying to bring this process into my work. The influence of the cyber world in every sphere of our thoughts and feelings is enormous. We still don’t know if homo sapiens will mutate into a nerdy dataset or if we’ll move on and conquer a new universe full of unlimited possibilities.
A.K. - What pieces are you working on at the moment? Are you planning any exhibitions for the upcoming months?
K.A. - Until the end of July, I’m showing eight works at an exhibition called “Fantastic Realism” at the LuminArte Gallery in Dallas. This is followed in September by a group show at the Chianciano Art Museum in Italy. And, again in September, my work will be shown for the first time in China at the Beijing Art Expo 2013, where I’m represented by the Steiner Gallery.
Katrin Alvarez has widely exhibited her work in Israel, Switzerland, Canada, Italy, Austria, France and the United States. She is participating from June 6 to 14 in the International Biennale Artists Exhibition Miami that takes place at Miami Iron Side. 7600 NE 4th Court,. Miami, FL,. 33138. For more information visit, www.katrin-alvarez.de / info@katrin-alvarez.de
Ashley Knight is an arts writer based in Miami.