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Jorge Fernández: A Passion for Passion
By Sophie Annie Videment
“It’s from a place filled with peace and understanding of life’s rhythmic flow that my creations emerge,” says Jorge Fernández. “I never decided to become an artist. I follow the flow of what I like.” Huge stainless or Corten steel pieces made of pure lines and organic forms, Fernández’s works are grand explorations of the natural form which create an interior journey, sensual and spiritual.
First, women are the central focus of his work. Jorge Fernández is fascinated by the female body and its magical ability to create life. Hearts, Welcome, Nautilus, or Trees, all of his sculpture series are related to the female body. “The honored and elevated female body is my starting point,” he says “from there I freely allow my sculptures to enter into play with the components of human life.”

Jorge Fernández, Ceiba Woman, 2011, installed in the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, Corten steel pipes, 22’x 32’
Jorge Fernández’s huge sculptures have been exhibited in the most prestigious galleries, fairs, and public spaces. In 2011 they were featured at arteaméricas, Art Palm Beach, Miami International Art Fair, and Sculpt Miami. His beautiful Woman in Red has been installed in the recently renovated Wolfson parking lot on Biscayne Boulevard, just south of Miami Dade County’s historic Freedom Tower. The Woman in Red is in a yoga pose. Sculpting a form which is mathematically correct in terms of proportions is a very difficult challenge. Fernández starts by positioning the main points of his subject, as for Woman in Red, the knees and the belly button. Then he creates lines and curves between these points, connecting them in this case, by leaf-shapes to represent the thighs. “The leaves have the smoothness of an arch. Organic, they also bring the connection to the earth. I used fish shapes instead of leaves; I liked the ideas that the fish conveyed, such as freedom, animal nature, religion … but the tail was always in the way. I finally cut it and the fish became a leaf!” the artist comments.
At Miami International Art Fair in January 2011, we could admire and experience ISA, a huge 20 feet long, 10 feet high, 8 feet wide sculpture made out of thousands of round hollow pipe cuttings. The overall sculpture represents a woman’s back, lying on one side. But the beautiful curves of the waist and torso are not recognizable when you are very close or walk inside the sculpture. “I like it when people wonder what the sculpture represents. I like the discovery.”
At Red Dot Art Fair last year, he exhibited the Tower of Passion, a piece which, at first sight, doesn’t look like a woman, but is, indeed. The tower comprises of many hearts which are, in fact, inspired by a model’s bottom. Like a totem dedicated to love, the tower is a spiritual symbol of passion. “I send the passion to the Universe and get it back from the Universe,” says Fernández.
For its part, the Welcome series was based on a combination of a woman and an alien. They were all constructed with the same structure. An alien head represents the sun, moon, and the collective consciousness. The neck represents the channel connecting the mind to the body. The heart represents universal love, peace, and harmony. The leaves symbolize nourishment: both organic, as in the food chain, and spiritual. The hips represent a woman’s ability to receive a man and bear children. The central gateway is the birth canal and the passage into other dimensions. “I created a large piece of the Welcome series in Montreal for a man who was a womanizer. I put his face in the middle of the sculpture, surrounded by a woman’s body. The piece was controversial, but he loved it!”
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Jorge Fernández’s latest piece, installed in the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, is a very organic corten steel sculpture. “I wanted to go into another direction and went searching in nature for new inspirations. I was finally inspired by a tree. I protected the tree with aluminum sheets and began building the sculpture from the roots with the same rings I used for ISA. I started welding the rings around the tree trunk because the branches appeared to disperse. And that is how the tree became a traitor and ended up being a woman again! You can’t go against your own driving forces. The big rings acted like a corsage. The woman’s body came out of the tree. I had lost the battle!” Fernández’s beautiful piece is fully part of its environment, nature, and may be experienced by seeing through it, going inside and walking around it. Just after it was installed in the garden, a bride to be came to take wedding pictures inside the sculpture. The sculpture suddenly took on a spiritual dimension and became a chapel.
“I do not accept commissions. I create my pieces, and eventually they find a way in Miami, Orlando or Dubai. If one day they are recycled, it would be a rebirth. They would have a new life. I like to think of my sculptures as being part of a never-ending cycle.”
Fernández’s latest project is Welcome Angel, a saint burgeoning lady, a three-dimensional combination of stainless and corten steel 25 feet high. “It is a very intense piece, full of detail.” The halo will be nine feet in diameter. “It will be very air dynamic, a combination of a spaceship and a woman and child.” It is the first time that he creates an actual religious piece, even if the spiritual is always present in its work. Only once a year, the halo will be fully synchronized with the sun, performing the perfect shadow. “I need to use mathematics to be able to create it.” Welcome Angel, a Christian piece, will then also have Inca influences. “I don’t think about creating a specific piece with specific influences. It just happens.”
He adds, “However one chooses to see and relate to my sculptures, the fact remains, they are here, as they vibrate to a positive life force and as they welcome the spectator to love, to nature, to happiness, and to life!”
For more information contact Jorge Fernández Art. Phone: 305 970 7169 www.jorgefernandezart.com / jorgefernandezart@me.com