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Fort Myers Art Walk

The Dawn of a New Downtown

By Veron Ennis

Dusk on the Caloosahatchee River illuminates sail masts, palm trees, and the facades of historical buildings, casting long shadows across the brick paved intersections of downtown Fort Myers. Galleries, shops, and restaurants prop open their doors; the lit entryways of dozens of participating establishments glow down every street. It is the first Friday of the month and thousands of art-loving men, women, and children are about to flood the city. Art Walk, a River District Alliance event–set to celebrate its third anniversary in October, has been a commanding success and is inarguably destined for enduring prosperity.

Fort Myers Art Walk, First Street view. Photo: Ray Hernandez.

During the maddening economic downturn, and in the midst of 2008’s downtown redevelopment construction, Art Walk–a project typical of more booming times–pushed its head through the rubble and breathed life into Downtown Fort Myers. This idea, shared by a strong few who believed in the potential that the River District had to offer, transformed the city into a prominent cultural destination.

Before Art Walk began, due to the recession, due to construction deterring the public, due to this or that, the charming downtown area of Fort Myers was–dramatically described by some as–dead. Sure, there was a late-night club scene, there were a handful of good restaurants, there were always lawyers standing in groups on corners headed to lunch…so there were live bodies here and there.

Amidst the struggling but dedicated downtown establishments, despite the fear of economic decay, shining like rare gemstones were a handful of galleries showing a collection of noteworthy works of art.

For nine years, Arts for ACT Gallery curator and director, Claudia Goode, had been hosting successful “First Friday” openings. In 2008, the colorful and passionate, daas Gallery, opened its doors down the street from the future space of HOWL Gallery. The Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center was undergoing an extensive renovation but hosting powerful art shows regardless of its under-construction state. Space 39 Gallery was hosting popular openings on Saturday evenings. The Art League of Fort Myers had a strong exhibition schedule, as did the Harborside Event Center.

Sidney and Berne Davis Art Center. Photo: Ray Hernandez.

New galleries were opening their doors and both the seasoned, and the fresh, collectively agreed that they needed to cooperate in a big way in order to survive. Little did they know, leaping well beyond the task of survival, they would ultimately create a thriving sensation for Southwest Florida.

Xavier Brignoni, co-owner and director of daas Gallery, reminisced, “Eleven years ago, we (he and David Acevedo- also co-owner and founding artist of daas Gallery) would walk around the charming but disheveled downtown and would say: ‘Someday we will have a gallery here; because a place with no art is a dead place. We can help to give it life.’ Eight years later, our sleepy city came alive!”

Striving for the same goal of creating a prolific and illustrious cultural destination, the small group of gallery owners and arts enthusiasts convened to hammer out the details of launching an Art Walk on the first Friday of October, 2008.

Now, the much-anticipated first Friday of every month brings an exciting array of exhibitions featuring local, national, and international artists. There is undoubtedly something for everyone’s taste in art, whether it be the graphic illustrative styles of today’s comics and street art found at HOWL Gallery; the romantic figurative sculptures and paintings found at daas Gallery; or the ultra-large expressionist paintings or towering modern sculptures found at the Sydney & Berne Davis Art Center.

Beautifully situated along the riverfront and concentrated in and around a well-defined core geographical area–it is easily toured on foot, or driving at a leisurely pace. Conveniently available throughout the evening is a complimentary trolley service. A map of the Art Walk galleries, transportation stops, partners, restaurants and bars, hotels, and parking is available at every participating gallery and also for download on Art Walk’s website [fortmyersartwalk.com].

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Arts for ACT Gallery. Photo: Ray Hernandez.

For out-of-town visitors, situated directly above galleries and featuring a rooftop bar, the modern Hotel Indigo is complete with a beautiful view of the city. Art Walk can be enjoyed immediately out of the hotel’s doors. This makes attending Art Walk’s official after party an easy decision when you can walk under the stars back to the comfort of your room. Gallery owners, artists, collectors and patrons, gather in good conversation to complete the culture-rich evening, usually at Spirits of Bacchus only blocks away.

Additional entertainment can be found in the center of town in the Patio De Leon every Friday of the month when the Friday Night Live free concert series hosts live outdoor music. Street performances by local acting troupes, dancers, and other creative entertainers enliven street corners.

After many profitable months, bringing artists and art enthusiasts downtown every month, Art Walk naturally attracted street vendors and they began to pop up around the city during the event. In response to their needs, every January through May, the Saturday Art Fair is held in the Patio De Leon and adjacent streets in order to accommodate those artists not represented by galleries.

Howl Gallery. Photo courtesy of the gallery.

Boasting one of the most art-oriented and well-organized art walks in Florida, Fort Myers is striving to make visitors’ and residents’ experiences even more enriching. Music Walk, also a River District Alliance event, is held every third Saturday. Much like Art Walk, but completely separate, Music Walk has swiftly grown in popularity and has drawn even more people downtown.

In September of 2010, Mayor Randy Henderson presented an Art Walk Proclamation to Andy Howl and Jamie Kuser (Art Walk Co-Chairs); October 1st 2010 is now officially Fort Myers Art Walk Day. The Proclamation proudly states, “… Art Walk has inspired thousands of visitors to our Downtown River District reaching across all social boundaries to inspire diversity, fellowship, and economic activity … providing a pubic venue for local talent and beyond, (and) supporting art education …” Also mentioned are the nearly forty downtown businesses that support and participate each month. These establishments have benefited and are continually benefiting greatly from the traffic generated by Art Walk and now, the Saturday Art Fair, as well as Music Walk.

As new galleries, boutiques, and restaurants open, a new plan is on the horizon. Slated to begin this fall, the River District will undergo another major change. It has not been long since its recent face-lift; now that the momentum is in full swing, downtown is scheduled for major surgery. A new water feature will be cut into the city: a 1.8-acre inlet will create all new waterfront property complete with attractive fountains and landscaping.

The Downtown Fort Myers River District has officially been brought to life. It is exploding with vigor and magnetic appeal. The vivid and picturesque city, now engaged to the arts, promises an inspirational and enlightening future.

Fort Myers Art Walk runs on the first Friday of every month, 6-10 pm. For more information visit, www.fortmyersartwalk.com

Veron Ennis is a visual artist and arts writer based in Sanibel, Florida.